You Don't Need Motivation, You Need Momentum

coaching goals Dec 18, 2023

Are you on the fence?  You’ve dreamed a big dream, created a clear vision, but taking the first step, or the next step, just hasn’t happened?  Are you waiting for motivation but it never seems to come?

The truth is, you don’t need motivation.  You need momentum.

When it comes to taking action on our goals, the first step can seem overwhelming.  That’s because the first step is usually vague, its generally pretty big, and it’s new territory for you.

Your subconscious brain is scanning for all the reason not to get uncomfortable, not to try something new and instead is working to keep you safe.  Thanks brain, but no thanks.  You are going to make this happen, and here’s how.

Your first step after creating a big vision is to take the next right step.  You don’t have to have all the answers to all the questions that come up, you just have to start moving forward, one step at a time.  This movement will create momentum.  Once you have the ball rolling, just like a snowball downhill, each next step gets easier and easier.  At the end, you have a conglomeration of all of the small steps that have actually turned into something pretty substantial and amazing.

So, how do you get through the overwhelm of taking the first step?  I have created a step by step process for you that focuses on taking inspired action.  Here’s what works for me.

On blank sheet of paper, start to brainstorm all the ideas that could help you meet your goal.  Be creative here and have fun.  What could you get to do that would feel good and help you reach your goal.  Make sure and make a good list…I would shoot for at least 17 items on this list.  (FYI - there is no magic to the number 17, just a random number that helps your brain think bigger).

Now, go through each item and put a star next to those that get you excited and ready to get started.  If the idea causes you dread, makes you anxious just thinking about it, put an X next to those items.

For each item you have starred, make another list of all of the small steps it will take to accomplish that idea.  Think very small here and make an exhaustive list.  

For example, if your goal is to start a business, and one of the ideas you’re excited about is building a website, then create a list of all the things you need to do to build a website.  Include things like research hosting providers, make a decision on the provider to use, research domain names, make a decision and purchase domain name, make a decision on whether to hire someone to make the website, etc.  

Do this step for each item you have starred.

One you have made all the lists, pick one.  Pick the one project or task that makes you the most excited and the most ready to move forward.  The one that makes you feel good and almost seems too easy.

With this, your most exciting starred list, go through each step and document the amount of time you think it will take to accomplish each item.  Make sure you keep in mind any time it will taking waiting on other people or inputs.

Stay with me, we are about right to start taking the next right step for your goal.  Now that you have documented the time it will take to do each item, go ahead and schedule that time on your calendar.  Find a time where you can spend the appropriate amount of time on that task, or block a longer time and bundle a few tasks together.  And yes, I actually want you to schedule it, like a very important appointment, on your calendar.  

I do want to challenge you not to schedule a big block of time and try to put everything all at once.  That is likely where you have struggled in the past.  The goal here is to see a small task on the calendar and do it.  So we want it to be small enough that it's easier to get it done than to procrastinate.

In fact, it’s best to take a small segment of action each day.  This will help you to build momentum by getting in the habit of taking action.  Our focus here is on building momentum not necessarily getting everything done.  I know that seems counterintuitive, but you will thank me later when you’ve learned how to trust yourself to take small action and keep moving forward.

Now that you have a set of actions on your calendar, it’s time to jump in and get started.  Tomorrow, when your appointment shows up, do the action, pat your self on the back, and enjoy knowing that you are building the momentum you need to achieve your goal.

Let me tell you, it all sounds easy on paper, but when you get started you might run into questions or concerns along the way.  Never fear, I am here for you!!  In fact, my free December Where Do I Go From Here Series this week is exactly on this topic.  And, I have several more tips and tricks that I am going to include that will help you overcome any obstacles to achieving your goals.

If you’re not already registered, you can use this link,, to register for this weeks session, and get the recordings of previous session to make sure you are right on track.  

I look forward to taking the next right steps with you!