Wondering if You Should Try an Elimination Diet?

diet elimination diet Jan 26, 2021

I have a number of patients that come in to me having digestive issues...they're having weight gain, they don't feel good, and we began to talk about doing elimination diets.

Many of you have heard me talk about eliminating the big six, particularly, how well you'll feel if you do, and how to reintroduce them later.

Elimination diets can be a tool that helps us find out the underlying cause for many of our conditions, whether it be anxiety, depression, stomach aches, acid reflux, headaches, or ringing in the ears.

When we do an elimination diet, especially using a retrospective journal, we can find out what's causing your problems, eliminate them from our lifestyle and our diet, and feel good.

Dr. Thoma is a functional medicine physician in Chesterfield Missouri.  His specialty is helping individuals identify the root cause of their health concerns. 

Together with his wife, Jennifer, they own PuraWell.  PuraWell is a health and wellness company focused on  guiding you to take control of your healthcare so that you can live longer, healthier.

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