Secondary Immunity coronavirus covid-19 immunesystem immunity Dec 18, 2020

I just recently recovered from COVID-19, and am starting to get back my energy & feeling good.

I'm down here in the gym working out, and started thinking about the things that we're missing out on, for people that are post viral they need to recover and things they need to...

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My COVID Recovery Recommendations coronavirus covid purawell supplements Dec 01, 2020

Dr. Thoma here, and I just want to let you know that while I did have COVID, I am now fully recovered.
It may not have been as bad as I'd expected, I wish I would have got it back in March or April and been done with it. I had a little bit of congestion, a little bit of difficulty...
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Zinc - Too Much Is Too Much coronavirus immunity neuropathy supplements zinc Nov 10, 2020

Dr. Thoma here to talk to you about zinc.

Lately, I'm having a lot of patients that are having neuropathies and stomach issues because they're getting too much zinc.  The upper limits of zinc should be about 40 milligrams, maximum 80 milligrams, in special situations.  

I see a...

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Stop Touching Your Face! coronavirus covid-19 emotional health face mask immunity Jun 29, 2020

Dr. Thoma explains how he is protecting and caring for his family during this pandemic situation.

His primary advice...keep your hands off your face!

This is a primary habit that we can all create now, or in a normal situation, to keep you and your family safe from even the simple cold or flu.

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Properly Wearing a Face Mask coronavirus covid-19 health immunity prevention Jun 15, 2020

Wearing a face mask has become a normal part of our everyday lives for a lot of people these days.  

In this video, Dr. Thoma shares how to properly wear your mask for maximum protection.  He also shares tips on putting your mask on and off properly to reduce contamination.


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Being There For Others in Times of Crisis compassion coronavirus emotions leadership May 07, 2020
For the past couple of months, each of us has been dealing with our own version of change and challenges during this crisis and unprecedented situation.  We have also clearly seen that each of us had unique aspects to our situations.  Some are struggling with losing a job or a loved...
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Certainty About Uncertainty anxiety coronavirus reduce stress uncertainty Apr 22, 2020
When I ask my friends and family what they are struggling to most with in the current situation, under stay-at-home orders due to COVID-19, the answer I hear repeatedly is uncertainty.  
They are worried about the future…what will happen, how long with this last, when will we...
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Returning to a 'New' Normal coronavirus intentional leadership opportunity Feb 29, 2020
The focus of society these days seems to be how and when we can get back to normal, post coronavirus.  While it may not quite be ready to fully reopen, we are starting to see some of the restrictions relaxed.
If you’re like me, you may be looking ahead and wondering what...
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