Did you know that movement reduces the pain signal to the brain? Did you know that your brain 'remembers' pain that might not still be an actual injury?
In this video, Dr. Thoma and Jennifer answer questions they have received about the PuraWell Recovery & Relief Balm....
If you are suffering from muscle or joint aches and pains, tendonitis, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, or any other tissue pain, we have just the right product for you!
We are so excited that our first shipping of PuraWell Recovery & Relief Balm will be arriving in the next week or so. We can't...
Dr. Thoma frequently sees patients in his clinic that are struggling with low back, knee, and hip pain because they are not engaging the correct muscles when they walk.
In this video, he demonstrates a common exercise that he recommends so that patients can learn how to engage the correct...
Dr. Thoma demonstrate Bruegger's Exercise to relieve muscle tension in the back and shoulder's. This exercise is particularly helpful for people who work at desk jobs everyday.
Dr. Thoma is a functional medicine physician in Chesterfield Missouri. His specialty is helping individuals...
How many times have you, like many patients, lifted or moved something heavy and strained your back?
In this video, Dr. Thoma demonstrates and explains proper lifting technique to ensure that you are using your legs and core, instead of your back. Learning how to lift and move heavy things...
When you are suffering from lower back pain and stiffness, Cat/Cow are some of the exercises that can be done to find relief.
In this video, Dr. Thoma, a functional health physician in Chesterfield Missouri, demonstrates how to do this exercise safely and effectively.
Dr. Thoma is a functional...
Dr. Thoma demonstrates back extensions to relieve lower back tension and pain.
Dr. Thoma is a functional medicine physician in Chesterfield Missouri. His specialty is helping individuals identify the root cause of their health concerns.
Together with his wife, Jennifer, they own...
If you're looking for some back exercises without having to get down on the floor, Dr. Thoma demonstrates a simple standing exercise. The exercise will stretch the low back muscles and relieve tension in that area.
One of the common complaints Dr. Thoma sees in his office is weak glute max, which causes back pain particularly in the lower back.
In this video he shows you an easy exercise he recommends to his patients for strengthening the glute max. He also covers some of the common mistakes patients make...
Dr. Thoma discusses the importance of walking correctly to avoid and improve lower back pain.
Strengthening the muscles in your body, and retraining your body how to walk correctly will make a big difference in improving your back pain over the long term.
Dr. Thoma demonstrates Cat & Cow stretches to help relieve lower back pain and stiffness.